1 Day Vrindavan Tour
1 Day Vrindavan Tour
Vrindavan Tour Packages
Get started for the Vrindavan tour with the Vrindavan Yatra package of Vrindavan guides which will make you explore all the major attractions and witness its beauty.
Hindu legend states that the holy Lord Krishna was reared by his foster parents in Vrindavan despite being born in a cellar in Mathura. Vrindavan, which was formerly the location of an old forest, has been transformed during the past 25 years into an urban area. This playground of Lord Krishna, which is located on the banks of the River Yamuna in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, has attracted visitors from all over the world as a significant Hindu pilgrimage site.
Our journey of the Vrindavan Tour package begins from Mathura (Mathura Railway Station or Mahura Bus Station). After arriving in Mathura, you will start your tour of Sri Krishna Janmasthan in the afternoon.
Going to a temple purifies the soul, and India is fortunate to have so many lovely ones. Numerous exquisite Hindu temples may be seen all around the country, despite the fact that we are a fusion of several civilizations. One of the most well-known Hindu temples in India is the Shri Krishna Janmasthan Temple, which honors Lord Krishna. The center of the Shri Krishna Janmasthan Temple, commonly referred to as Shri Krishna Janmabhoomi Temple, is the cell where Lord Krishna’s parents, Mata Devaki and Vasudeva, were held prisoner by his evil uncle Kansa.
Then you will proceed for Gokul Visit Gokul temple, Raman Reti Temple & chaurasi khamba.
Gokul is a little town with intriguing legendary tales about Lord Krishna’s early years, which are well depicted in its magnificent locations, buildings, temples, and natural features. The two must-see locations in this area are the Gokulnath Temple and Ramanreti, whose holy sands are reminiscent of a bygone era when Lord Krishna went to participate in divine plays with his brother Balarama and his cowherd pals.
Following your time spent in Mathura for lunch, travel to Vrindavan to visit Prem Mandir, Nidhivan (the birthplace of Banke Bihari), and the Banke Bihari JI Temple.
The Prem Mandir, a huge temple designed by Jagadguru Shri Kripaluji Maharaj, exudes beauty and majesty. This magnificent religious site is devoted to Sita Ram and Radha Krishna. The temple, which lies in the holy city of Vrindavan in the Uttar Pradeshi district of Mathura, is surrounded by piety and tranquility.
The hallowed birthplace of Krishna’s temple, Nidhivan, in Vrindavan Tour, has a sense of mystery or supernatural about it. Lord Krishna is rumored to make nightly visits to Nidhivan.
It is regarded as the nation’s holiest location since it is where God actually resides. Near Nidhivan, there is a well that Krishna is claimed to have constructed with his flute in order to satisfy Radha’s thirst.
The curtain pulled over the presiding deity at the Banke Bihari temple, which is unique in its tradition, periodically pauses the uninterrupted darshan of the god.
The interruption of devotees’ darshans is due to Shri Banke Bihari’s extraordinary allure and attractiveness.

- Meal On demand with charges
- Transport On demand with charges
- Dedicated region specific sales team with in depth knowledge of Vrindavan
- Yagya or Puja
Our drivers are responsible for safe driving with proper knowledge of route / itinerary
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